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  • Day 1 - Summit 1 - State of Play - Large-Scale Projects using Advanced Communications.

    Setting out the challenges and enabling factors that will drive investment during 2022/23 and beyond.

  • Moderated by Tony Sceales, Chairman, 5G Week

  • Moderated by Jess Ellis, Director, Applied 5G, Deloitte

  • Moderated by Nick Elverston, Partner, Ashurst

  • Day 1 - Summit 2 - Enterprise Large-Scale Projects and Smart Places

    Case studies and discussion of what is working well, and what still needs to happen to get Enterprises buying into deployment.

  • Moderated by Ian Corden, Managing Consultant, PA Consulting

  • Moderated by Dean Bubley, Disruptive Analysis

  • Moderated by Tony Sceales, Chairman, AWTG

  • Moderated by Tony Sceales, Chairman, 5G Week

  • Moderated by Ian Corden, Managing Consultant, PA Consulting

  • Day 2 - Summit 3 - Finance, Legal, Regulation & Policy

    Discussion on how advisory and investment firms, and policy makers see the market and how they are planning for scaling up investment in it.

  • Moderated by Dean Bubley Founder and Director, Disruptive Analysis

  • Moderated by Ian Corden, Managing Consultant, PA Consulting

  • Moderated by Dr Mike Short, CBE Chief Scientific Adviser, Department for International Trade - UK Government